Thursday, November 6, 2014

Unique Artist: Shannon Smith

The scope of this project was to show a unique artist at ONW and how she expresses herself. We found out what her hopes are and what she wants to be. Shannon Smith talks about why she paints her face and applying to colleges.

To start this project we began by meeting with Shannon and asking her if she would like a feature story. We then began getting b-roll in her art classes and conducting an interview. After getting all of the footage we began editing. We pulled pictures of her artwork off of her Instagram for the package. This package was unique because we filmed her painting her face with different angles. Once editing was done we exported it.

 Along the way I learned that audio can be difficult to balance but to switch it to dual mono on final cut pro. I learned how to use extreme close ups to enhance a video. As far as collaborating I learned how to work with the subject and make them feel comfortable and not intimidated by the camera, I also learned how to shoot an interview with two cameras.

If I was to do this project again I would make the second interview at more of an angle and get more b-roll of her artwork. I would also steady the camera and make sure it is focused to create better sequences.

 I would set up two cameras again for multiple interview angles, I would also do the sequencing the same.

I will use my experience of setting up interviews, getting b-roll, and using the 6-shot system to enhance my next project.

Overall I liked the turnout of this project and how the beginning was unique. Next time I will make the audio more balanced.

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