Thursday, October 9, 2014

Reflection: Trunk or Treat

1. The scope of this project was to find out about the interpersonal skills class at ONW and their community service event, Trunk or Treat. Trunk or treat is an event held around halloween every year where students and children from elementary schools come out and get dressed up to get candy.

2. To start this project we talked to Mrs. Reiter about an angle to take on this package and plan when to film. We then interviewed Mrs. Reiter and students in the interpersonal skills class and got b-roll. After getting all of the footage we edited the video together to make the package.

3. Along the way I learned that the interviewee needs to be looking across the screen rather than at a corner. I also learned more on using a mic. As far as collaborating I worked with students with diabilities and learned how to work in that situation.

4. If I was to do this project again I would set up the interview differently so the subject was looking across. I would also change the color to match up. The mic was not working, if I was to get that mic again I would come back and get a different one to better the audio quality on the package.

5. I would do the sequencing the same because I thought the sequences in this package were well done.

6. I will use my experience of various 6- shot system to get b-roll, I will set up interviews according to the rule of two thirds, and record audio with better quality to enhance my next project.

7. Overall I thought this package could have been better if the audio and video quality was better and used a tripod.

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